The semi-annual sale!
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It is also business solutions. From two to several dozens of PCs, take advantage of our network and security expertise for your IT equipment.
Conception, Configuration, installation, maintenance
Discover LIZA TECHNOLOGIE solutions

Discover LIZA TECHNOLOGIE solutions
Our ambition
The vocation of Liza Technologie in the conquest of the plethoric market is to become a gigantic and reliable player that helps its customers to use the most optimal and secure way the latest generation technological and digital services in order to enhance the confidence of its customers. .
Computer Graphics, Communication & Marketing
Graphic design, marketing and digital communication, graphic charter, creation of digital identity
Our Calling

The vocation of Liza Technologie in the conquest of the plethoric market is to become a gigantic and reliable player that helps its customers to use the most optimal and secure way the latest generation technological and digital services in order to enhance the confidence of its customers. .
About Us
Liza Technologie based in Bamako, works in the IT field. The company has emerged under the guidance of its Promoter Mr Nouhoum COULIBALY to create an offer that stands out for its performance and loyalty from the many service providers present on the market. Liza Technologie’s main mission is to offer customers personalized and specialized services in different areas of expertise, in order to demonstrate efficiency and profitability.